Spills, Refrigerants and Contaminated Sites

Ozone Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons Regulation

The Ozone Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons (ODSOH) Regulation is a complex regulation that summarizes the restrictions related to the removal, storage and disposal of refrigerants recovered from wet vehicles. The primary requirement is that only an approved person can remove refrigerants and that the approved person must have completed the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute (HRAI) course (http://www.hrai.ca/) and have a valid Interprovincial Number.

Typically, vehicle dismantlers hire an approved person with mobile equipment to visit the yard, remove refrigerants and complete the necessary paper work and labelling of wet vehicles.

Spill Reporting Regulation

The Spill Reporting Regulation requires all persons that manage hazardous waste to report significant spills to the Provincial Emergency Program at 1-800-663-3456.  A spill is considered significant if it is above the thresholds of hazardous waste are above the levels listed below:

Spill Reporting Thresholds for Hazardous Waste in British Columbia
Hazardous Material    Spill Reporting Threshold

1 KG
3 KG
30 L
Oil and Oil Related Products
100 L
Waste Gasoline
100 L

Contaminated Sites Regulation

The Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) is a complex regulation that deals with the liabilities and obligations resulting from contamination at a site.  For vehicle dismantlers, contamination would be the result of the historical mismanagement of hazardous materials. 

Because the CSR will not affect the day-to-day operation of the vehicle dismantler, the requirements of the CSR will not need to be included in the Environmental Management Plan required by the Vehicle Dismantling and Recycling Industry Environmental Planning Regulation.

If there is contamination suspected at a site, contact your qualified professional for assistance.